Graceful貓貓均為貓舍自家繁殖· -為家長提供健康貓貓平台 -貓寳寳均有成長記錄及父母可見 -特設寵物用品及美容家長折扣 -新手指導、365貓生陪伴 -堅持良心經營.絕不售賣病寵。 Our promise: 14天健康保證(fip、fvp退款保障) 稱心24小時新手領航🐾 接種獸醫疫苗(1-3針)及體內體外杜蟲、杜虱 祝福家長❤貓生幸福~
寵物 / 寵物轉讓Graceful cattery

親子 / 生日會及百日宴百樂生命之園

Grow your business successfully with historical data using deep learning and anaylze what people is looking for? We are also into the research work in the field of Machine learning and Deep Learning.

考試/比賽前想找大師上雞精班 、速成班? 校際快到了,比賽想拿獎,比賽前想找名師執一執? 首歌彈左好耐,已經唔知點樣再進步 本身老師資歷一般? 考美國音樂學院要考AP thoery 找不到老師教? 想上課時間有彈性? 無論身處何地,只需要一部電話或一部電腦,你便可以輕輕鬆鬆在家學跟一個師資超過十五年經驗、耐心盡責、熱誠教學的老師琴學樂理
A教學進修 / 遙距教學Amy Leung Studio

宗旨(Aims): 透過乒乓球訓練, 鼓勵不同的年齡,文化,技能水準參舆體育運動(Encourage different people of all ages, cultures, skills level to involve physical exercises with the help of table tennis. 教學特點(Teaching characteristics): 因材施

位於銅鑼灣中心地帶,鄰近地鐵;店內衛生達標。紋身師擁有超過13年經驗,專注於水墨風格,為Mediazone HKMVC Services Awards 獲獎者。
美容 / 半永久化妝墨舞 Torrential Ink

特惠價錢招募客人. 如客人需要合作夥伴,會計審計,代表辦事處 或 場地 或 教育教學 @灣仔/上環, 請即與本公司聯絡. 歡迎代理垂詢. Whatsapp us at 53821618 if want to have accounting & audit tax/ office / venue rental at HK Island
N商業 / 商業優惠NorthSUN

Series outlining the major Bible prophecies regarding our present day. Your understanding of current events will change your world view. Discover "antichrist" and "USA role in end time events".

In this city of millions, we're dedicated to making more smiles every day and committed to understanding the genuine needs of different customers.

經英國皮膚科協會雜誌及「每日郵報」中刊登的研究證實能有效治療及減少三分之二暗瘡。來自Brittany的海洋護膚產品品牌algologie的研究中心,正座落於這盛產海藻的自然寶藏之上,擁有超過20年科研美肌經驗,堪稱「Marine Master」,多年來研製的產品均深受世界各地水療中心及美容院推崇
A美容 / 男士美容Algologie

We offer you unique and designer gifts, all providing great value for money. We will give you results, and improve the image of you.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited is the holding company of a group which is engaged in the ownership, development and management of hotels, commercial properties and clubs and services. 
c商業 / 顧問citymacau

One of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited

YuenLongNewly decorated Room for classes hourly/monthly rate (computer equipment provided) 附近元朗廣場、人流不段、交通方便、設施齊備、無需佣金
教學進修 / 課室出租Professional Centre

We mainly provide professional design, production and installation of all types of glass fiber products and projects, including fiberglass tanks, fiberglass boats,
商業 / 原料及製品威大玻璃纖維製品(香港)有限公司

鋼琴導師簡介: Arion自少學習鋼琴,並在2010年出國留學. 在劍橋跟隨Vivian Choi教授學習一年後, 得到Trinity College of Music 的教授賞識並開始跟隨不同的教授學習. 包括 Douglas Finch, Penelope Roskell 和 Havilland Willshire. Arion在英國學習期間, 有大量演出的機會. 包括一些教堂的演奏會和音樂節
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